leading in uncertainty

Strategy is what gives us the comfort that we will be successful, despite uncertainty. If our operating environment were certain and predictable, we’d do what we’ve always done, and there’d be no need for strategy.

But change is ever present. With the rise of technology and globalisation, the pace of change has only gotten faster, making it all the more important to have a strategy that can keep up. The acronym VUCA (used to describe conditions of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) has been around for decades, but it’s only gaining in relevance, and no business is immune to its effects.

And as the pace of change continues to accelerate, and our VUCA whirlwind grows larger and faster, it becomes all the more important for businesses to have a well-understood and well-executed strategy in place to weather the storms ahead.

How do you ensure you have the necessary strategic capability in your organisation to ensure you stay ahead of the game?