strategy focused simulation experiences

The SimX magic is in our methodology – together with our clients, we design business simulations to create hyper-relevant learning experiences that will engage your audience, help shift behaviour and support business transformation.

Broadly speaking, SimX solutions support capability development across the following four domains:

  • Financial acumen

  • Commercial acumen

  • Strategic leadership

  • Future-ready leadership

Please reach out to to request brochures or to find out about demo sessions.

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commercial acumen

Commercial acumen programs are 1 or 2-day face-to-face workshops or virtual equivalents. They are centred around a competitive, computer-based business simulation and are typically targeted at emerging leaders who lead projects or teams on the frontline. The simulation experience is an opportunity for participants to take full accountability for the operations of a small simulated business.

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strategic leadership

Strategic leadership programs are 2-day face-to-face workshops or virtual equivalents. They are strategy-focused simulation experiences targeted at individuals who lead teams in large organisations (e.g. regional managers or functional leaders). The simulation experience helps participants develop the strategic thinking skills needed to lead effectively in environments of uncertainty.


future-ready leadership

Future-ready leadership programs deal with transformation challenges specific to your industry, business or function. These can be stand-alone scenario simulations or part of a commercial acumen or strategic leadership course. It is about dealing with real-world (or plausible future) scenarios and unexpected events that move the organisation from (an old way or mindset) to (a new way or mindset).