bounded rationality

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When we work in large, complex organisations, our day-to-day can sometimes feel chaotic. Our reality is a whirlwind of activity, with meetings, crises and phone calls demanding our immediate attention. Every day, we’re reacting to a bombardment of challenges.

Good decision making in these complex environments is hard, and risky. Our choices aren’t simple, and we need to act fast. We need to consider the interests of a multitude of stakeholders; evaluate short and long-term trade-off’s. But even with careful consideration, it’s impossible to see all ends. We’re constrained by what systems theorists refer to as bounded rationality – our ability to reason is limited by the limitations of the human mind itself.

What if we could remove some of the chaos and gain clarity?

A simulation is a simplification of reality designed to promote understanding. It is the perfect tool to help us create clarity in complexity. It allows us to make sense of the bigger picture and explore ideas in a safe space.

Just like we use maps to help us navigate cities, we can use simulations to help us understand how to navigate complex businesses. They can help us understand the landscape and find the best path…