Flawed assumptions

In our everyday jobs, we are required to make decisions. We are required to react to events as they unfold. We don’t always have the perfect insight into any given situation, so we make assumptions. They are calculated guesses that help us plug the knowledge gap and find a good-enough solution that will make do, for now.

We might also be tempted to make decisions that have immediate benefit to ourselves. Like being persuaded to say yes to an opportunity that helps us make our quarterly numbers. However, we find ourselves in a dangerous place when these decisions are made without a deep understanding of the system-wide consequences and the impact on other aspects such as relationships, trust and culture.

Consciously or unconsciously, we draw on existing mental models to help us make decisions. But since we don’t have anything to compare our decision against, we are often unaware of the flaws in our assumptions.

Business simulations create a safe space for learning in which we can contrast and compare the impact of different choices. Rather than having to defend our chosen course of action, we can approach challenges with an open mind and explore new ideas and different possibilities.

“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.”
― Isaac Asimov